chronic pelvic painの例文


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  1. He said many of the worst abuses were hysterectomies performed for nonspecific, chronic pelvic pain.
  2. It has been studied for use in treating chronic pelvic pain syndrome and benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  3. Left untreated, it can facilitate the spread of HIV and cause chronic pelvic pain and infertility.
  4. Differential diagnosis should consider the far commoner conditions chronic prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome and interstitial cystitis.
  5. Other possible symptoms are pain during sexual intercourse, chronic pelvic pain and irritation of the urinary bladder.


  1. "chronic paroxysmal hemicrania"の例文
  2. "chronic paroxysmal hemicranias"の例文
  3. "chronic passive congestion"の例文
  4. "chronic pelvic inflammation"の例文
  5. "chronic pelvic inflammatory disease"の例文
  6. "chronic pelvic pain syndrome"の例文
  7. "chronic pemphigus"の例文
  8. "chronic periapical periodontitis"の例文
  9. "chronic pericoronitis"の例文
  10. "chronic periodontitis"の例文
  11. "chronic pelvic inflammation"の例文
  12. "chronic pelvic inflammatory disease"の例文
  13. "chronic pelvic pain syndrome"の例文
  14. "chronic pemphigus"の例文

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